Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hello everyone!

I apologize about the long hiatus. But I have to say that my time is now spent enjoying my family, which it hadn't been for a long time. Honestly, I would rather be cozy with the kids then sit on the computer. However, Travis is at school, Vanessa is napping, and I am now putting off cleaning the kitchen. Sounds like a perfect time to post ;)

I have to tell you, Vanessa is everything we expected and more. She is quite the little diva. She does not like being at all cold and tells us when she is. A few days ago she laughed, it was the sweetest sound you could possibly imagine. We also went for a doctors appointment last week to check her weight/progress. Unfortunately, our primary Pediatrician was out on vacation, but I found out the Vanessa is 10 1/2 lbs! So obviously, she is getting the nutrition she needs. She is still on the pulse ox and even though it's a pain to lug it around, it's very comforting to know that if something went wrong, we would know. We have her 6 month appointment next week, and we'll see if her doctor thinks it's necessary to continue.

It's been crazy to be back at work. I know I was grateful for not having to work until Travis was 1 year old, but now, working with an infant at home, I really get how lucky I was. It isn't easy. But I know that things will just keep getting better, so I'm just moving along.

Vanessa has also slept through the night quite a bit through the last 2 weeks, which I am EXTREMELY happy about. You just don't realize how great 6-7 hours of uniterrupted sleep can be!

Well, this was all the time I had. Now I'm off to get ready for work!

♥ Cassea

Vanessa hanging out in her swing.

Vanessa and Auntie Caitlin in their St. Patricks Day green!

We had surprise visitors for Henry's Birthday!
Nana helping give Vanessa a bath.

Snoozing in her stroller on her Tante Quilt.

Daddy and Travis playing with Vanessa
during her bubble bath.