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Monday, December 31, 2012

The Hernandez Family: Year in Review 2012

Oh my! When I think back on all that happened in 2012, it's exausting! But I want to wrap up the year with many of the highlights!

Vanessa started off the year still in the hospital, much to my dismay.

Daddy and Travis went to Supercross and had a blast!

Vanessa came home after 142 days in the hospital on Henry and I's 1 year wedding anniversary. Best anniversary gift ever. Vanessa came home with no O2, no feeding tube, just a pulse ox to keep her monitored.

We went to the Phoenix Zoo when the weather was perfect.

We bought our first home!

Travis broke his arm... bad... He had to have surgery and had 2 pins placed in his wrist.

He got a red cast, his favorite color.

Vanessa kept getting bigger, stronger and cuter!

We went home, for the first time with Vanessa.

Vanessa got RSV and spent a week in the PICU at Phoenix Childrens Hopsital.

Travis turned 6!

Travis started 1st Grade!

Vanessa turned 1!

Travis started doing Tae Kwon Do.

Halloween: A GI Joe Ninja and a Zebra
We went to LA to attend my Uncles wedding, and had a wonderful trip. Vanessa got to meet lot's of people she hadn't yet.

We went to the snow.

We went to Williams and rode on the Polar Express.

Henry, Travis, Vanessa and I have so very much to be thankful for this year. Looking back at the year, we were blessed to have such happy times, which seemed to seem even happier when compared to the struggles we faced. We are looking forward to a mellow, uneventful 2013!

Happy New Year from our Family to yours!
-The Hernandez Family-