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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Happiest Place On Earth

... is truly that. Our experience this year at Disney was truly magical, as usual. We did lots of things this year that we haven't done in the past, topping the list was visiting California Adventure. I have to say that I really haven't heard great things about California Adventure, so I had not made it a priority, but whoever told me those things were sorely mistaken. I was blown away. Cars Land was AMAZING, but even without that, I still think I would have thoroughly enjoyed myself. Here is my top 10 list of things that I enjoyed the most this year.

  • Watching Travis cling to my Dad on our first go around on Pirates and listening to my Dad narrate the ride to him, which he obviously did to calm Travis's nerves. It was especially entertaining because Travis has been on Pirates many times, but I guess his memories of the ride were inaccurate, because he could not have been closer to his Grandpa Dennis if he tried.

  • Travis's multiple attempts to get the sword out of the stone.
  • The Parades (yes multiple, we sat and watched 2 parades this year!). Travis loved seeing all the characters and Vanessa loved listening to the music and dancing her little behind off.

  • World of Color in California Adventure. It was amazing, and the only regret I have is that we had our things in a locker in Disneyland and had to leave early to get back into the park.

  • I have to admit that I have not been on a legitimate roller coaster since before I had Travis. Call it the Mommy fear sinking in, but I haven't been able to get over it. This year I was coerced into riding on Screamin' California in California Adventure and it was a blast!

  • Turtle Talk with Crush was my favorite thing by far on this trip. I only wish I would have recorded it. Crush took a liking to Travis and even let Travis ask him if he knew about Tae-Kwon Do. It was hillarious and Travis had this magical look on his face that was priceless.

  • Star Tours was Travis's favorite ride this trip to Disneyland. The last 2 trips Travis was either not tall enough or the ride was not open, so he was very excited to go on it this year. Since we couldn't take Vanessa, Travis first rode with Henry and Auntie Caitlin, and then Travis, Caitlin and I went on it. Travis told me while waiting in line "Mom, this is going to blow your mind" and then after we got off the ride he said "So Mom, was your mind blown?". It was classic Travis!

  • Cars Land was phenomenal. We saw it at night and during the day, and at night was just spectacular. The colors were so vivd and real, and we even came across a dance party that Harper happily took part in.


Vanessa getting her first set of ears. Call it good old nostalgia, but Vanessa getting her first set of ears that were just like her big brothers was a moment for me.


  • Character Breakfast with Minnie and Friends was fantastic. It was pricey, but I've always wanted to do it, and since this year we were spending 2 days between Disneyland and California Adventure, we made the time for it. It was so worth it. The characters were, well, characters. Captain Hook got very nervous when we asked him about that crocodile, Tigger and Rafiki were hopping around being silly as usual, and Miss Minnie Mouse was a delightful host. Only bummer that came out of this meal is that Vanessa developed a fear of the characters in costumes... She screamed when Minnie came to say hello. I hope she will over it by next year.

As you can see, we just had the best time. Vanessa was a trooper the entire time too, which made our visit even more fun. One thing we did this year was Disney's Photo Pass and it was the best $70 we spent this trip. I hate asking for people to take pictures of the 4 of us, and the odds that you're going to get a good photo are slim. But, I had done a little research in advance and found out the cost and Henry and I were photo pass fools. Almost everywhere we saw a Disney Photographer, we got a picture.

Here are some more photos from our trip that I just had to share!