Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012


Sorry everyone for the previous post. I didn't mean to worry anyone, but it had been a rough couple of days. Since then, we've actually made some big progress. First, and I guess one benefit to still being in the hospital is that Vanessa was able to get her 4 month shots (and be watched closely for adverse effects). I was with her for 2 of the 3 shots, and both times she let out one sad cry, and was done! She is one tough girl! Vanessa is 8 lbs 14 oz and growing like a weed! After we got the shots out of the way, on Saturday morning, Miss Vanessa was being a wild one with her oxygen prongs. She was grabbing at them and had them in her mouth and eventually up on top of her nose, so Vanessa's primary nurse wasn't having it, so she just took the oxygen off! That was Saturday morning at 8 am, and here we are late Sunday night and she hasn't needed them yet. It's too soon to say whether she will tire out and need it again, but I'm very excited that she has gotten this far. It comforts me that if she were home on oxygen, and pulled off her oxygen she wouldn't be in immediate danger. We've also made some strides with feeding! Over the weekend I was able to nurse Vanessa for 4 out of her 6 feeds (this was decided upon by her doctor since Vanessa is such a good nurser, but crummy bottle feeder). We are hoping with the recent strides that we will be going home soon, and right now there is a big chance that we will take home a "wireless" baby.

I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel again... We are making progress, and it feels good!

 Some of our first pictures with no O2 and no feeding tube!

 Bath Time!

 Daddy-Daughter Snuggling

 Vanessa doing her Carseat test. She has to be in the seat for 1.5 hours and not need any oxygen support to pass. She didn't need support, but she dropped her oxygen saturation a little, so we may have to repeat this test. Doesn't she look just perfect in that carseat?

Snoozin... Vanessa has reflux (very common with preemies) so after she eats, it helps for her to stay upright.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are PRECIOUS!!!! Is there any way you can email to me?!!! It is hard to not have a job right now, because all I want to do is: 1. BE THERE!!! 2. Spoil her. 3. Spoil you. 4. Spoil Travis. 5. Spoil Henry. 6. Just be closer!!! I love you and your family with all of my being!!!!
