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Saturday, September 1, 2012

RSV.... In July?

Whoa, I have been a bad blogger lately! I guess the fact that I haven't been updating lately is a good sign that things have been on track, but even as I started this blog a few days after Princess V was born, I envisioned this becoming eventually (and hopefully) a blog to update everyone on our family's happenings. So, long story short, I'm back!

The first thing I would like to share was Vanessa's run in with RSV. First of all, seriously? When you talk about "life isn't fair", this incident proves that point. Vanessa, in my opinion, should get a get out of jail free card with the year she's had. Luckily, her feisty nature has seen her through again.

Interesting facts about RSV:

  • Almost all children will be infected with RSV by their second birthday.
  • RSV causes respiratory illness in infants and young children, and is the most important cause of bronchiolitis.
  • In the U.S., RSV infections generally occur during fall, winter, and early spring.
  • Who is at risk for severe illness? Premature infants, children less than 2 years of age with congenital heart or chronic lung disease, and children with compromised (weakened) immune systems due to a medical condition or medical treatment are at highest risk for severe disease. Adults with compromised immune systems and those 65 and older are also at increased risk of severe disease.
  • When is the risk for infection the greatest?  RSV infections generally occur in the United States from November to April. However, the timing of the season may differ among locations and from year to year.

  • As you see, that orange line can't get much lower during the summer months!
    I was surreal to be back in the hospital, especially in one where no one knew us. I guess I took for granted the staff that cared for us at Saint Joes. Maybe you can't be completely appreciative until you are thrown in a new situation and see how it is handled? I don't know, but what I do know is that my week at Phoenix Childrens Hospital was frustrating. Not only was it hard seeing Vanessa so ill, but not having Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Respiratory Therapirst (and the list could go on) that KNOW and LOVE Vanessa. While I don't think our level of care was poor at PCH, I just didn't appreciate that they didn't include me in decisions, and I ended up questioning everything they did. Anyways, enough of that!

    Poor little thing :(

    Daddy got a snuggle in when Vanessa was feeling a little better.
    Hope you all forgive me for being a bad blogger!

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