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Thursday, October 25, 2012

You're so Lucky

I often times think about how lucky and blessed I am. While my kids have had struggles, all kids do at some point or another. There is no perfect child and we all have our own battles to face.

That being said, I have something to share from a parent/teacher conference today. I took both Travis and Vanessa to Travis's parent/teacher conference with me because let's face it, I'm not going to ask someone to watch my kids for 30 minutes for a conference. Travis's teacher knows about Vanessa and her story so I don't have to explain things which is helpful. Today though, a reading specialist who works with Travis also attended the conference. I was holding Vanessa and she asked how old Vanessa was, and I replied "1 year old". The reading specialist looked puzzled, and so Travis's teacher piped in "Both Travis and Vanessa were preemies." The reading specialist looked at me expectantly, so I added that Travis was born at 31 weeks and Vanessa at 25 weeks. She then said to me "You're so lucky". I thought, yes I really am. I get comments like that all the time, and it always causes me to reflect on just how lucky I am. Until she added "I was 3 weeks overdue with my kids and I was so uncomfortable." REALLY?

Now, I don't think in any way whatsoever that she intended to hurt my feelings. I'm sure that she just thought about how uncomfortable she really was. But how thoughtless? Being uncomfortable at the end of a pregnancy would have been a rite of passage that I would have gladly accepted if that meant that my kids were going to be ok.

That would have prevented:
  • Intubation
  • Possible Brain Bleeds
  • Being able to hold my children immediately after birth
  • Blood Transfusions
  • PICC Lines
  • TPN
  • Oxygen
  • Taking my kids home when I went home

I want everyone to know that I feel so blessed and LUCKY everyday when I look at my 2 amazing children. But I don't feel lucky that I didn't have to endure the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy, I feel lucky that they are alive and that I can hold them, squeeze them and love them everyday.

♥ Cassea

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