Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brother and Sister

I never had a brother growing up, so I am very excited to see the kind of relationship that Travis and Vanessa will share someday. Henry and I have been trying to prepare Travis for his role as big brother since we found out that we were expecting. A few months ago, Henry took Travis to Burger King for lunch. Travis came home very disappointed because his meals will normally come with a cool toy like Iron Man or Bakugan, that day he got a little stuffed giraffe. This is definitely not the toy that a 5 year old boy would want in his meal, so we asked him if he wanted the baby to have it and he loved the idea. For months, I kept that little giraffe with the little baby keepsakes like her first ultrasound, and thinking all along that this little giraffe was Travis's first present for her and meant something. Little did I know how impactful this little stuffed giraffe would be. Travis cannot go into the NICU yet, so I brought her little giraffe to take a picture with Vanessa and then a I took a picture of it with Travis. Hope you enjoy and it gives a little perspective on just how small she is. Take a look...

♥ Cassea


1 comment:

  1. p.s... This is super presh and I cried as i read it!!! I know!!! I am an uber goober!!!! :) Love it though!!!!
