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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Welcome to our family blog!

I'm using this to update you all on all of lifes happenings!

On Friday, September 23rd we welcomed our daughter, Vanessa Alicia Hernandez into the world. Vanessa was born at only 25 weeks and 5 days, and was only 1 lb 5 oz and 12 inches long. She is struggling a little right now, and was just switched over to a high frequency oscilatting ventilator. We are praying that she starts to mend and wont need such severe interventions.

Hanging on, minute by minute...


  1. She and the Fam Bam are CONSTANTLY in my prayers!!! I do know that they are also in everyone here in STL!!! I love you all!!!
