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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eating, Eating, Eating...

Sorry that it has been so long since my last update, but you all can assume that no news is goods news. Basically, we are still were we were a few days ago. Vanessa is still on the ventilator, her settings have changed a bit, but she isn't necessarily receiving more support. It's hard for me to understand completely, but essentially they are providing more support to expand her lungs for a longer period of time to try to open up her lungs. The doctors think that the reason she is requiring the support is because she has fluid in her lungs. It's not an infection and the nurses try to suction it but they really aren't getting much, so today they gave her a diuretic to try to expel any excess fluid in her body. So we will find out soon whether that helps clear out her lungs. The doctor seems optimistic though, and really wants us to focus on her gaining weight. So that is our goal right now, for Vanessa to get bigger and stronger. It's amazing to me how much they are feeding her, it really isn't that much, about a teaspoon and a half, but compared to her tiny body, it seems like for her it would be eating thanksgiving dinner 8 times a day! But she is tolerating it, so obviously that is not the case.

Vanessa's tiny hand holding onto my thumb.

Vanessa's nurse today put a sweet little bow on her head. 

We have again begun renovations on Vanessa's room!

1 comment:

  1. Cassea, I love u ALL and can not wait to meet MISS VANESSA :) i miss u guys like crazy and thank you for sharing this with us. I cant say enough how much i LOVE u guys n MISS u !
