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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Together Again

I had planned on holding Vanessa yesterday, but she had plans of her own. She had a rough evening on Thursday and was still recovering Friday morning. She was having episodes where her heart rate was dropping, so the doctors and nurses thought it was best that I didn't hold her. Today though, I was able to hold her. I have to tell you though, thank God for the nurses. It's obvious that it is a lot of extra work for the nurse to take the baby out just so I can hold her, but she was still willing to do this and encouraged it. Because although it is a lot of work, there are many benefits to the baby. People in the NICU community call it kangaroo care, because just like a mama kangaroo carries her babies in her pouch, the baby is placed on your chest in just their diaper and it then covered with blankets.

Today I finally felt like her mama.

 She got to wear one of the many hats I've made for her, which is tiny, but still too big!

What was really amazing was how alert Vanessa was when I was first holding her. You can see in both of the pictures how her eyes were open, and she kept them open for almost 30 minutes. She finally gave into the excitement and fell fast asleep. I'm in love...

♥ Cassea


  1. She is so PRESH!!!!! You really see how tiny she is!!! I can see how you would be in love with her!!!! I am so happy that you two were together again!!! That is such a beautiful moment for you two!!! Love you!!!!

  2. Cassea! I am so overwhelmingly happy for you! I cry everytime I check out ur blog! You are so strong and I admire you for getting through this obstacle! My prayers go out to u and ur beautiful family!!!
    Vanessa is truly a Hero <3

  3. What a sweetie! I love these pictures, especially with her little eyes open:)
