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Saturday, October 1, 2011

What A Day

My day started off at Travis's first T-Ball, which was so much fun! Travis's team played in the outfield first, and it was so funny to watch all the kids go after every single hit! Travis's first time at bat, he hit the ball and watched the other team chase after his hit. It wasn't until the play was complete that the coach finally got Travis's attention enough to convince him to run to 1st base. It was hillarious!

How can you not love this little face???

Travis is up to bat!

After Travis's game we spent the afternoon at the park celebrating Harper's first birthday. In the evening, we went to visit Vanessa at the hospital. Since Vanessa's birth, the NICU has not allowed siblings under the age of 12 because of an outbreak of whopping cough, but apparently the risk has diminished because today, Vanessa was able to meet her big brother! And that isn't the only great thing that happened today. Because of Vanessa's great progress on the ventilator, she was extubated today. So what that means is that instead of having a machine breath for her, she has a little nasal cannula reminding her to breath. This is HUGE progress and we are thrilled. The doctors warned us that 70% of the time babies will have to be re-intubated, but we are taking this one day at a time, and today is an amazing day!

The first of many, many pictures!

No Ventilator!

I don't know if my day could have been any better! And although this will be fueling my sisters fire, my cup runneth over :)

♥ Cassea

1 comment:

  1. That is so amazing love!!!! Travis is too much!! Robert would chase after his own ball after hitting it!!! LOL!!!
    YAY for Vanessa!!!!!! So happy for her leaps!!!! That is great Travis and her go tot meet finally!!!! What was his reaction to her?!! The picture of them is cute!! He looks so happy!!!

    Love you!!!!
