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Sunday, December 25, 2011

So This Is Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!

For the past week or so, I've been thinking quite a bit about how I feel about Christmas this year. I've felt every emotion over it, but I've settled on the feeling of bittersweet. Bitter in the fact that Vanessa is not home with us sitting under our Christmas tree, but sweet in the fact that I will have her for years and years of Christmas's to come.

Christmas couldn't come this year without a few milestones, which we are very grateful for! The first of which is that Vanessa has been moved out of the Level 3 NICU which is the one that has the highest support and care. This is outstanding news because it signifies just how stable she is now and how much closer we are to bringing that sweet little girl home! What it means for me is not having to see oscilliators, jets, ventilators, cpaps, surgeries, ect. It also means that I don't have to listen to the constant alarms that would make my heart skip a beat every time I heard it. While this means a lot for Vanessa's progress, I think I'm most grateful for this move giving me back some sanity.

We also had a wee Christmas Miracle this morning. Lisa, Vanessa's primary nurse tried feeding her a bottle this morning, and for some reason my sweet little girl decided she was going to figure it out, because she drank a whole ounce in less than 15 minutes! I wasn't there when this happened, but Lisa said it was as if she was a whole new baby! YAYA!

I also had been waiting for a special moment for Travis to hold his little sister, and about a week ago I decided that today (Christmas) would be the day. I saw this as a special gift to Travis that he had been waiting 3 months for. It was an incredible moment and one that I will forever cherish.

Take a look at some pictures of Henry and I's first married Christmas as well as our first Christmas as a family of 4!

Vanessa in her pretty Christmas Tutu made by volunteers with the March of Dimes!

The Hernandez Family, all dressed up in our Christmas clothes!

My Handsome Men!

Hernandez Family (minus Vanessa)

Travis anxiously waiting to open all those presents!

Travis said multiple times that Santa was the best, ever!

The highlight of our Christmas ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

♥ Cassea


  1. You were right!!!!! This is amazing!!!! I cried with the pictures!!! OF COURSE!!!! I need copies of these pictures!!!! I one of Travis holding his sister is so precious!!!! I love it!!! I love your family and cannot wait to come visit you all again!!!!

  2. so precious! i love all the pics!
